Bay Bean Leaves - Canavalia Rosea

6,80 10,40 

We offer you the dried leaves of the sensual Bay Bean (Canavalia Rosea). It is an herb often used alone or in combination for herbal blends/tobacco substitutes.


Canavalia Maritima is perhaps an understudied entheogenic plant. The Mazatec Indians considered it an important and sacred plant – placing it in their tombs and other sacred places in their communities. The dried leaves of the plant appear to have been used as mild entheogens, to complement much stronger plants such as Salvia. In many Latin American countries, the consumption of the plant had sacred implications.

In modern times, the leaves of the plant are used by herbalists as a substitute for tobacco because they taste nice when burned. Bay Bean adds flavor and aroma to many DIY herbal smoking blends.


Additional information

25 g.


50 g.


Smoking / Vaping Blends




Physical / Mental Relaxation



Traditional Use in Latin America :

In Latin American and other countries, Bay Bean is used in DIY herbal smoking/vaping blends. These mixtures are used as substitutes for industrial tobacco.

Other people choose to boil Bay Bean as a decoction with other herbs such as Mexican Tarragon. They use 3 grams from each herb. They usually consume the tea 30-60 minutes before sleeping.

Bay Bean Tincture

1.Place a quantity of herbs in a glass jar. Measure the mass of the herb with a precision scale.

2.Cover 50-75% of the jar's capacity with the raw herb.

For alcohol tinctures, we usually use vodka with 40% alcohol content. Measure the volume of the alcohol. Cover completely the raw plant material with vodka.

4.Note the amount of plant material and the amount of alcohol you used. If for example you have used 100 gr. of plant material and 500 ml of alcohol, you create a 1:5 tincture. The smaller the ratio of raw herb to alcohol, the stronger the tincture.

5.Note the date the tincture was created. Close the jar. Shake daily or as often as you can. Leave the mixture in the jar for ~2 months in a dark spot.The more you leave it, the stronger the tincture.

6.After 2+ months, strain the mixture and keep the liquid. The earliest you can use it after infusing the herb with the vodka is 3 weeks. Αυτό είναι το βάμμα σας.

7.Use 1-2 ml of the tincture for starters. Judge the effects for yourselves and regulate dosage.

Η τήρηση ημερολογίου σχετικά με την επαφή σας μa very good practice.. This applies to experiences with any herb if you intend to cultivate a healthy relationship with it. It's a good idea to note any improvements you notice or any side effects. It will help a lot to mention the time of taking, the amount you take and how you consume it. A precision scale is very useful for accurate calculations.





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