White Lotus Flowers

8,00 14,20 

The White Lotus shows great similarity in its effects with its famous "cousin", the Blue Lotus. For some Asian cultures it is the ultimate symbol of purity. It is used synergistically with Blue Lotus to enhance its effects or alone to create decoctions and wines. Lotus lovers report that it smokes better than Blue Lotus.


The lilly Nymphaea alba (White Lotus or Sacred Lotus) is the national flower of India and Vietnam. This incredibly beautiful water lily is usually grown in water gardens – Asians especially appreciate it for its beauty and elegance. In ancient Egyptian religion, Hinduism and Buddhism, lotus flowers have special symbolic value due to the belief that this flower can bring abundance, fertility, purity and vitality.

White lotus flowers, calyxes and petals are commonly used in teas or smoking blends.

In recent years, botanical researchers have been investigating the potential of White Lotus to fight cancer. Traditionally, Lotuses have been used to treat fever, inflammation, neurological disorders, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Lotuses contain many bioactive elements – alkaloids, polyphenols, terpenoids, steroids, glycosides. These substances have a variety of biological and pharmacological properties since some of them are strong antioxidants, strong anti-inflammatory, valuable antiviral, immune regulatory and hepatoprotective as well as cardioprotective.

Additional information

25 g.


50 g.


Smoking / Vaping Blends


Pain Relief




Improve Mood




Physical / Mental Relaxation



Our Blog article on the different types of psychoactive lotuses and water lilies:

Psychoactive Lotus & Lillies : Ethnobotanical Use

If you want to learn more information about Sacred Lotus and Blue Lotus, please also see our Wiki article: Sacred Lotus - A Symbol of Purity

Sacred Lotus - A Symbol of Purity

Blue Lotus Wine

Steeping raw herb into wine / other drinks :

Traditionally the ancient Egyptians soaked the flower petals of N.caerulea/other related plants in wine. Both N.caerulea and N.nucifera flower petals can be used successfully.

After at least 2 weeks of the plant mass remaining in the wine - after the daily intensive "shaking" of the bottle - the Egyptians strained the liquid keeping only the wine. The end result is a drink with mild/moderate euphoric and aphrodisiac effects.

Anecdotal reports indicate the following way of manufacturing :

1. Let's say we are going to use 500 ml of wine. We take at least 30 grams of raw N.caerulea or N.nucifera and grind them. We place them in a glass jar with a capacity of 500 ml.

2. We cover the trimmed flowers with wine. It is better to use wine with intense sweet taste.

3. Place the jar in a dark place. Once a day, for a period of at least 2 weeks, we will vigorously shake the jar. The jar will be shaken for at least 1 minute. If the grounds are left in the jar for 1 month, the wine will be stronger – although anecdotally users report that 2 weeks is enough for the effects to be felt.

4. After at least 2 weeks, strain the contents of the jar. We press intensely the trimmed flower mass that will be placed in the strainer so that the last drops of the "distillate" come out.

5. The wine is ready and can be placed in a nice bottle with a funnel – the perfect gift for a good friend. Or for a couple who wants to have a good time :). The effects will be noticeable if everyone consumes at least 250 ml.

Lotus Tea

1. Place 250 - 500 ml water in a crockpot.

2.. After water boils, add 2 tablespoons of dry flowers.

3. The mixture is being boiled for 7-10 minutes.

(Not a crucial step)Add 1 tablespoon honey or sugar, if nescessary.

5. The mixture is being strained in a cup. The tea is ready.

Smoking or Vaping Lotus

Smoking or even vaping are the most unhealthy practices of using an herb. It can prove harmful to health or even fatal in the long run.

White Lotus can be smoked in a herb pipe or even a water pipe (bong). Usually about 150-300+ mg is used. Others choose to twist it into cigarettes in combination with cannabis flowers. It is a very good ingredient for DIY smokeless herbal smoking blends.

Others choose the more "lung-friendly" practice of vaping. Pink Lotus can be vaporized from a dried herb vaporizer at a temperature of 100-125 C.

Caution :Lotuses can cause tolerance issues and psychological dependence for some individuals. The cautious friends of Lotuses do not consume those plants more than once per month.



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