Ethos Herbals Kratom – Stems & Veins

4,40 19,20 

The ideal complementary addition to the leaves of M.Speciosa! They enhance the effects, making them more full spectrum!


Mitragyna Speciosa – commonly known as Kratom – is an evergreen tropical tree. M.Speciosa grows mainly in areas of Southeast Asia. The natural ecosystems of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are home to most of the 'wild' M.Speciosa. Under the right conditions in these tropical jungles, the height of the plants exceeds 15 meters.

The first written accounts of the use of Kratom by indigenous peoples of Southeast Asia date back 150 years. They reported that chewing the leaves had stimulating effects and greatly helped with hard manual work, while boiling them into tea had analgesic and relaxing effects. Considering that the tree is native to various countries in Southeast Asia, it is a reasonable assumption that its traditional use by local societies has a history of thousands of years.

As a rule, when we refer to Kratom we are referring to its leaf powder. The stems and leaf veins are separated from the leaves before the latter are powdered and sold as Kratom “White”, “Green”, other “varieties”. Essentially, adding the veins and stems to the leaf powder makes the end result as "full spectrum" as possible. Anecdotally, Americans and Asians have reported that adding the stems and leaves makes the contact with the plant stronger while the duration of the experience is prolonged. Other people use them as substitutes when they want to reduce their Kratom usage.

Additional information

15 g.


30 g.


100 g.


Stems & Veins of Leaves



The usual usage that allows for a healthy relationship with the plant is dosages of 2-4 grams, 3-4 times per week.

Some people choose to use the toss n wash method (the plant powder is put in a spoon and then thrown directly in the mouth, following chugging with water). Other people choose to put the powder into capsules and some prefer making tisanes, letting the plant powder simmer in water for 10 minutes minimum.

Οι βλαστοί και οι φλέβες των φύλλων του Kratom (Stems & Veins) δεν απαντώνται τόσο συχνά όσο η σκόνη των φύλλων. Συνήθως οι βλαστοί και οι φλέβες συνδυάζονται με τη σκόνη των φύλλων για την προώθηση της αύξησης του εύρους δραστικών ουσιών αλλά και για την αρωματική βελτίωση των αφεψημάτων του φυτού.  Κάποιοι χρησιμοποιούν ένα μείγμα 75% σκόνης/25% βλαστών και φλεβών, άλλοι ισορροπημένα μείγματα 50/50. Κάποιοι χρησιμοποιούν τους βλαστούς και τις φλέβες των φύλλων ως υποκατάστατα αν θέλουν να μειώσουν τη συχνότητα λήψης του κλασσικού Kratom.

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Οι βλαστοί και οι φλέβες των φύλλων του Kratom (Stems & Veins) δεν απαντώνται τόσο συχνά όσο η σκόνη των φύλλων. Συνήθως οι βλαστοί και οι φλέβες συνδυάζονται με τη σκόνη των φύλλων για την προώθηση της αύξησης του εύρους δραστικών ουσιών αλλά και για την αρωματική βελτίωση των αφεψημάτων του φυτού.  Κάποιοι χρησιμοποιούν ένα μείγμα 75% σκόνης/25% βλαστών και φλεβών, άλλοι ισορροπημένα μείγματα 50/50. Κάποιοι χρησιμοποιούν τους βλαστούς και τις φλέβες των φύλλων ως υποκατάστατα αν θέλουν να μειώσουν τη συχνότητα λήψης του κλασσικού Kratom.

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The buyer understands that all products of Smartshop section of Ethos Herbals physical and online store are offered exclusively with the condition that will be used as samples of herbs, for legitimate research, incense, educational and/or ornamental purposes. The buyer of the product category Smartshop of Ethos Herbals understands the term "NOT SOLD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION".

Ethos Herbals and its representatives assume no responsibility, implied or otherwise, for any other use of our products. The information provided by the Ethos Herbals or their representatives via email, phone, fax or any other form of transmission, including links to or from this website, is purely for educational purposes only and should not in any way be construed as a recommendation for a specific treatment plan , product, or course of action.

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