Εδώ σας παρέχουμε το φλοιό του φυτού Calliandra angustifolia (Bobinsana). Η “μικρή νεράϊδα” όπως αποκαλείται το βότανο, έχει ήπιο, ντελικάτο πνεύμα. Συνήθως χρησιμοποιείται συμπληρωματικά με άλλα πιο δυνατά βότανα όπως το B. Caapi για την ενίσχυση οραματικών εμπειριών και διαυγών ονείρων (lucid dreams).
Calliandra angustifolia – commonly known as Bobinsana – is one of the botanical treasures of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest. It is considered a "plant-teacher". It is also called little fairy (Sirenita). Bobinsana is widely cultivated in Latin America for healing, shamanic purposes. All parts of the plant are used for these purposes, but the bark is considered the most bioactive. The Shipibo-Conibo tribes of the Peruvian Amazon prepare alcohol tinctures with the stem, barks and leaves. These tinctures are used in shamanic ceremonies to open and heal the heart, heighten empathy, connect man with nature, and spiritual grounding.
Bobinsana is used as a cardiac tonic, stimulant and well being tonic.
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