Kanna TA10 21,00 41,00 
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Kanna Serene

18,00 38,00 

Το Serene είναι από τα πιο όμορφα χαλαρωτικά εκχυλίσματα της συλλογής μας. Το ισορροπημένο προφίλ αλκαλοειδών του υποδεικνύει τον γαλήνιο νοητικά χαρακτήρα του. Το ό,τι έχει ένα χαλαρό χαρακτήρα δεν σημαίνει πως δεν είναι δυνατό! Έχει πολύ υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις συνολικών αλκαλοειδών!


See the tab "WIKI ARTICLES & EXTERNAL LINKS" to get to know more about Kanna extracts.

Kanna is a "nickname" for the African succulent Sceletium tortuosum. S.tortuosum is botanically classified in the family Mesembryanthemaceae (Aizoaceae). The name "Sceletium" comes from the Latin word sceletus. It is due to the veins of its leaves which acquire skeletal structures when they are dehydrated.

The roots and leaves of Kanna have been consumed by the indigenous people of South Africa for millennia. In this long-suffering country, the dried roots and leaves of Kanna were being used and continue to be consumed to this day. Traditional uses include preparing infusions, chewing, smoking or nasal blowing of the plant parts.

The word "Kanna" is probably due to the fact that S.tortuosum seems to be very similar to cannabis, enhancing the euphoric properties of the latter. The indigenous South Africans also call it Kougoed. Researchers of the plant claim that this name refers to the completion of the traditional preparation of the plant which is as follows: After the plant material is harvested, it is dried and undergoes a fermentation process to increase its psychoactive effects.

Traditionally the plant has been consumed both for its psychoactive effects and for the fact that it seems to enhance indigenous hunting skills. South African tribes such as the San (Bushmen) and the Khoikhoi deeply value and respect the fact that this plant works as an anti-depressant, reducing anxiety and tension. Among other things, it is very important to them for hunting because Kanna is considered a good hunger-fighting/appetite-regulating agent. The Namaqua tribe makes infusions from the plant to fight intense hunger pangs and physical pain.

The Bushmen and the other tribes mentioned above have reported that relatively small amounts of the raw fermented plant material can be chewed or consumed in infusions, bringing about a relaxation of tension and stress, promoting a sense of self-confidence. On the other hand, indigenous people have reported that larger amounts can be euphoric, increasing sensory sensitivity and enhancing libido.

In recent years, several clinical studies seem to confirm what South African tribes have empirically perceived: bioactive substances of S.tortuosum such as mesembrine, mesembranol and others are being studied for depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive/ compulsive disorders, alcohol and substance dependencies.

Additional information

500 mg


1000 mg



Συνιστώμενη ποσότητα λήψης : 30 mg  –> Ένα γραμμάριο  = 1000 mg.  Άρα 1 γραμμάριο αποδίδει ~30 ποσότητες λήψης.

Total Alkaloids (%) : ±8.5%

Συνολικές Συγκεντρώσεις Μεσεμβρίνης (Mesembrine) : ±5.5%

Concentrations based on Total Alkaloids (%)

Mesembrine ± 65%

Mesembrenone ≤ 15%

Δ-7 Mesembrenone ≤ 15%


Article from our Blog for the main bioactive alkaloids of Kanna (Mesembrine, Mesembrenone) :




Τα Κύρια Αλκαλοειδή του Kanna

Δείτε αυτό το άρθρο μας ώστε να καταλάβετε γιατί είναι πολύ σημαντική η αναφορά στα κύρια αλκαλοειδή του Kanna (Mesembrine – Mesembrenone – Delta-7 Mesembrenone): 


Γενικές Πληροφορίες

Excerpt from the thread "FAQ, dosages and general information" in the r/kanna subreddit (by Polytrewq):

"Dosage varies based on route of administration (ROA), the form of plant material(raw Kanna or extract) and the unique biochemistry of each individual. Some people appear to be experiencing reverse tolerance - this means that they need to take Kanna several times before they feel the effects. This practice is called "priming"... Unfortunately a small percentage of people do not feel any effects from Kanna even with the practice of priming. The biggest mistake new users make is underestimating the effects of the plant and taking too high a dose the first time. Start with the doses listed below and adjust accordingly."

Insufflation : Start with 10-15 mg of extract powder or 30-40 mg of raw plant material powder (such as Kanna - Snuff Cut). Crush the extract as much as possible before sniffing. When you sniff it, use only little force so that the powdered extract doesn't end up in your throat. Using a saline nasal spray before insufflation improves absorption, as less dust will reach your throat. Effects occur in 5-10 minutes after insufflation and last up to 1-2 hours. This is probably the best method for recreational use of Kanna.

Sublingual: Start with 20-30 mg of extract powder or 100 mg of fermented chopped leaves (Kanna - Smoker's Cut) or powdered leaves (Kanna - Snuff Cut). Hold under the tongue for at least 15 minutes without swallowing saliva. If you have fermented leaves/tea cut, you can try chewing it. Effects are felt within 20-40 minutes and can last up to 4 hours. Sublingual use is ideal if you want anxiolytic, antidepressant and sedative effects.

Oral intake: Start with 200 mg of cut leaves/tea leaves (Kanna - Smoker's Cut) or fermented powder (Kanna - Snuff Cut). Taking extracts orally is not very economical, but if you want to try this ROA, start with 60-75 mg. The oral method of intake is usually less consistent than sublingual intake or insufflation. Effects usually last 3-6 hours. Some users experience an elevated mood even the next day.

Smoking: The most common practice is to sprinkle some extract on tobacco or in a smoking herbal blend. If you have Kanna (Smoker's Cut) you can mix it with tobacco or with a herbal smoking blend such Ethos Smoker's Cut #1.

Ethos Herbals Blog Links:






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